Women’s right session
listening and counseling center in Qaraqush impalement Women’s right session for the project of (Advancing peace building and reconciliation through the inclusion and empowerment of women and girls in Iraq) in the date of 6 May 2019, the session were attended by 25 women and girls in Nineveh plain, the session was launched by the lawyer Rania Hikmat and she starts the session by providing the information about the services that the Qaraqush listening and counseling center are given, then the session dealt with the legal provision which is related to the women’s rights in the personal status law by using the Power Point, the terms and conditions to conclude a contract Marriage and its ratification, the pillars of the contract and when it’s considered null, in addition to the inheritance of women in accordance with the inheritance law, the social welfare law and categories covered by the provisions of this law, at the end of the discussion was made with the participants and the lawyer answered their questions and clarifications during the