Final Ceremony of IOM Project
Within the project (Support for stabilization in Hamdaniya district – Strengthen community resilience, enhance relations among returnee women and girls, enhance wellbeing and advance women and girls’ rights) supported by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), #Baghdad_Women_Association implemented the final ceremony of the project through the staff of Qaraqosh center for listening and guidance on 30/11/2019 at Mar Boulos Hall.
The ceremony began with a minute of silence on the souls of the martyrs. It was resumed with a speech by the project manager by introducing Baghdad Women Association and the services provided by the listening and guidance center in Qaraqoush and activities of the project. The ceremony targeted 200 persons.
The ceremony included many events such as a Poems and a theatrical presentation on the concept of social cohesion, as well as folkloric dance and music followed by displaying a video of the activities and campaigns carried out during the project in Hamdaniya district.
At the end of the ceremony Attendees were thanked and everyone who contributed to the success of the project.