Voluntary awareness legal and societal workshop

Baghdad_women_Association staff in Dohuk -siji implemented a voluntary legal and social awareness session about the Iraqi personal status law 188 of 1959 and how to face self-pressure within (Strengthening Access to Protection, Participation and Services for women Refugees, Internally Displaced People IDPs and women in Host Communities in Iraq) Project, funded by the European Union, through the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the EU ‘Madad’ Fund and implemented by a consortium led by EuroMed Feminist Initiative.”
The attendees were 13 IDP women and girls since the activity aimed at the awareness of women and girls about the law and the importance of the Family 壯陽藥 laws to gain their rights in addition to Anger Management practices, many of subjects were discussed, like the personal status law, marriage contract and the custody in addition to defining the anger concept, its reasons and the way to get rid of it
The most important outcomes of this activity were the women and girls interaction about the mentioned subjects and also the importance of the personal status law since women focused on asking questions related to custody and its conditions and the reasons for withdrawing it from the mother, because it is new and important information for them, as women mentioned the reasons that made them lose control of their nerves, so breathing exercise was done as one of the ways to get rid of nervousness and tension