Awareness session on importance of hobbies

In continuation of the activities of the project “Strengthening the resilience of Syrian women and girls and host communities in Iraq”, with the support of UN Women and the European Trust Fund (Madad),
the #Baghdad_Women_Association’s Listening and Consulting Center in Seiji, Dohuk, convened a voluntary awareness session on the importance of hobbies and the need to develop capabilities on 7 July 2019.
The session, conduct by community mobilizer Huda Rafid, was attended by a number of women and girls from Seiji village, in Duhok Governorate, in order to familiarize participants with the importance of exploiting their skills and abilities in the right manner, especially during school holidays.
Participants in the session took an active part in the discussion, proposing hobbies that can be practiced at the centre with the available capabilities.