Legal and social awareness session

Within the framework of the project (Strengthening the Resilience of Syrian Women and Girls and Host Communities in Iraq), in the cabinet of #Baghdad_ Women_Association at Domiz 1 camp – Dohuk implemented (legal awareness session on Child Custody and social awareness on motherhood) with the support of the European Trust Fund “MADAD” and UN Women 25 September 2019.
The number of attendees was 19 women and girls with the aim of educating refugee women on how to deal with the Iraqi legislature on the issue of custody in accordance with Article 57 of the Personal Status Law followed by educating women about the importance of motherhood and its impact on the psyche of children.
The outcomes of the session were the knowledge of refugee women of the conditions of mother’s custody of children and how to fall the custody and legal age set by the legislator to choose the child between the mother and father for custody, in addition to gaining information about legal procedures to raise the custody case and stress the importance of the role of the mother in the period of custody of children, and at the end of the session was answered About women’s questions regarding alimony and polygamy.