Baghdad Women Association continues in Strengthening Political and Civil Participation of Women in…

#Baghdad_Women_Association continues to raise political & electoral awareness of the society and women through holding a session to launch its Strengthening Political and Civil Participation of Women in Baghdad project on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. The session presented the activities and goal of the project, which is to raise women’s awareness on their civil and political rights and encourage them to participate actively in voting in the upcoming elections in addition to playing a short film to encourage people to participate in the elections.
The conference started with an introductory speech about the project and BWA delivered by Mrs. Batool Hussein, Project Manager, followed by Dr. Raad Sami from the Department of Information and Communication and Professor Dawood Salman in the Operations Department of the Independent High Electoral Commission on the women’s quota system, political participation and the biometric registration mechanism, in addition to answering the attendees’ inquiries about the biometric registration methods, the counting and sorting process, the reasons for the delay in the election results, and other questions. After that, a short presentation was made on the role of the demonstrations in creating a new election law, followed with a more detailed explanation of the project’s activities.
The session was concluded with a asking the attendees a question: Will you participate in the upcoming elections? The results were mostly positive and confirmed to participate in the elections. Inviting women to apply to join the women’s councils that will be established at the end of September was also one of the main outputs, which will fall upon the members’ responsibilities to educate and encourage women and girls in Baghdad to participate in the upcoming elections.