The Fifth Group Therapy Session for Returning Women and Girls in the Nineveh Plain
Baghdad Women Association , through its staff of Listening and Consulting Center in Qaraqoush , continues to conduct Group Therapy Sessions. This is the fifth session within the project ” Enhancing The Strength And Resilience Of Women And Girls In Conflict – Affected Communities And Host Communities In The Nineveh Plain – Iraq”, supported by the Lutheran World Federation ( LWF) on 8th April 2019 . The session started with giving a brief about the previous session by the LC Social Worker , followed by raising several questions about discovering life line and performing an exercise on drawing from birth to the present age , along with the positive and negative events. The exercise aimed at acquiring greater understanding , with the ability of perception , speaking and healing past wounds , and handling them , then to look at the positive stages and conditions they have been through in life. The conclusion of the session was an open space for dialogue to participate and express opinion on this subject.