Participation in a discussion session

On the 31st of May, 2019, at the Orok Hall in Babel Hotel from #Baghdad_women_Association (Reem Sahib) participating in the discussion session under Tag #Your_Voice_is_Gold organized by the International Republican Institute in cooperation with the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq and the Legal Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives The session was attended by a number of representatives of the Independent High Commission and members of the House of Representatives and civil society organizations and representatives of parties and political blocs and civil activists in the field of elections, as the session addressed the proposed amendments to the law of provincial elections expected to vote by the House of Representatives and highlights the challenges of the Independent Electoral Commission for the IDP file And not to set a formal deadline for the upcoming elections ,The session also included a live presentation of the stages of the voting process by the staff of the Electoral Commission for the elections. It is worth mentioning that Baghdad women association participated in many meetings and educational workshops to raise awareness and encourage women to participate in decision making.