Voluntary legal awareness session about alimony and custody

Baghdad_Women_Association listening center in Duhok held a voluntary l壯陽藥 egal awareness session on alimony and custody in Domiz Syrian Refugee – Duhok within the project “Strengthening Access to Protection, Participation and Services for women Refugees, Internally Displaced People IDPs and women in Host Communities in Iraq” which is funded by the European Union’s Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the EU “MADAD Fund” with the support of Euro Med Feminist Initiative (EFI) on 6 December 2019.
The number of attendees were 12 women and girls, aiming at increasing awareness of women and girls about the issue of alimony and custody and how to file such claims and their conditions. Also, the legal articles were discussed in the Iraqi Personal Status Law of 1959 regarding the conditions of alimony and its three types as well as custody and conditions for the mother to acquire it.
At the end, women and girls were given a number of legal consultations by discussing the topic with which women interacted and called for the repetition of such sessions