Training the first group of Job placement activity

The #Baghdad_Women _Association offered training to the first group of women in Baghdad on job placement in the period 11-13 June 2019.
The activity was part of the project “Strengthening the resilience of Syrian women and girls and host communities in Iraq”, implemented with the support of UN Women and the European Trust Fund (MADAD).
It tackled subjects such as job searches, career goals, job description, job placement, CVs and interviews, among others. Participants in the training activity were given practical exercises that included doing their own CVs and having mock job interviews.
The training programme aims to offer employment opportunities to 120 women and girls through linking them up with potential trainers and employers in the private sector. Those selected through interviews will get the chance to be working for employers for two months, and will be supported during their training and initial employment by the project team who will help in providing them with a safe and cooperative working environment.