
Legal awareness sessions on domestic violence

Baghdad_Women_|Association implemented legal awareness sessions on domestic violence via groups on WhatsApp and Viber applications on April and May within the project Reintegration Support for Women and Girl Returnees in Al Hamdaniya District and Seiji Village funded by Tearfund.

The workshop was attended by 40 beneficiaries of displaced women and girls divided into four groups, aiming to raise awareness about Domestic Violence Law, the procedures followed to reduce violence, and the women’s knowledge of their legal rights to follow the legal procedures that protect them from violence. The workshops included many topics including (the concept of family – the concept of domestic violence – forms of domestic violence such as forced marriage, underage marriage, young women and beating – female genital mutilation – established penal code against whoever performs the process of female genital mutilation – measures of protection order against the perpetrator of violence in the family – penalties for domestic violence perpetrators in accordance with the law against domestic violence in the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi Penal of 1969 No. 111 ).

The most important outputs of the activity are raising awareness about the legal procedures against the perpetrators of domestic violence, knowing who the law considers among family members and relatives in the fourth degree, and sharing an illustrative drawing of that. Women were also very interested in the workshop, especially in the current circumstances, many of them shared their experiences, causing them to miss many opportunities following their exposure to violence. They also asked to continue raising awareness about this issue as it focused on the most important things that the family is going through, in addition to presenting a special workshop entitled Female Genital Mutilation and legal procedures against whoever or who commits female genital mutilation

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