First Women Forum

Baghdad Women Association has held the first women forum within (Enhancing the Role of Women in Leadership and Decision-making) project supported by Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)on August 5th 2019 in Ishtar Hall at BWA headquarter, women activists and media activists in the field of women attended the first forum meeting.
The forum had discussed current major issues and needs of women, and the priorities that the advocacy campaign #weprotectourfamily will work on have been identified, and the most significant one is the continuous lobbying activities to pass domestic violence law project and also to work on expanding the possibility of women participation in the executive authority and Provincial councils, priorities have also focused on the necessity of finding Remedies for economic problems facing women within their families.
At the end of the meeting, the participants identified the basic steps that will be included in the campaign strategy, which will be drawn later with the participation of the campaign team in subsequent supplementary meetings.