
Items produced by cash-for-work activities distributed

The #Baghdad_Women_Association’s Listening and Consulting Center in Seiji, Dohuk, on June 2, 2019 distributed items produced by the cash-for-work sewing and handicraft activities to 26 displaced girls in Kabarto Camp 1 and 2.

The cash-for-work activity is held under the project “Strengthening the resilience of Syrian women and girls and host communities” in Iraq, implemented with the support of UN Women and the European Trust Fund (Madad).

The distribution of the products aimed at spreading the joy of Eid Al Fitr, the feast marking the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, among girls in the camp, particularly in view of the difficult economic conditions facing their parents who are unable to buy their children new Eid clothes.

The staff of the centre also distributed kitchen products, including sweets and pastries, to a number of families from the host community in Seiji Village as well as refugees at the Taqwa Mosque in Dumiz 1 camp and a number of displaced families. Part of the products, which were subject to health examination by the concerned authorities, was also distributed to participants in sessions held by the staff of the center in Seiji.

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