Awareness sessions about COVID-19

Baghdad_ Women_Association implemented awareness sessions about COVID-19 and prevention methods by groups via WhatsApp and Viber Applications on April, within the project of (Reintegration Support for Women and Girl Returnees in Al Hamdaniya District and Seiji Village) funded by Tearfund.
40 Returnee and IDPs women and girls had participated in these sessions divided in four groups, aiming to raise awareness about the most important ways to prevent Coronavirus and correct the wrong information that spread among society about the virus. Several topics were discussed, including (meaning of the word COVID-19 , what is COVID-19 ,what are the ways to prevent Coronavirus – how to limit the spread of Coronavirus – why should you avoid touching your face, nose, mouth and eyes) in addition to sharing and sending brochures on prevention methods.
One of the most important outcomes of awareness raising workshops is to realize the correct information about Coronavirus to women and girls and to educate them about the most important ways to follow during the crisis in addition to providing them with the methods that must be followed during the home quarantine to limit the spread of the virus; the topic was interesting for them as it expressed their need to obtain information approved by the World Health Organization.