BWA News

Awareness Sessions

Baghdad Women Association (Mahala 21) within the project to enhance women’s political and civil participation in Baghdad carried out (15) awareness sessions for women about the importance of women’s participation in the elections and to enhance their political role, targeting all groups within the areas of (Al-Karada – Al-Sidiya – Al-Mansour – Palestine Street – Al-Adhamiya) Orienting women about the importance of participating in the parliamentary elections and not losing their voices and changing their opinions from the districts of the elections to participants , and for wide participation and activating the role of civil society organizat犀利士 ions in electoral awareness , Baghdad Women Association carried out a round table session with civil society organizations, journalists and activists in society on the new election law Between its advantages and disadvantages and the importance of the role of women in the political process and in the presence of a facilitator from the Independent High Electoral Commission.

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