Annual Report

Annual Report 2021 BWA

The association’s work team has presented and is continuing to present, within the various projects, a procedural sequence connected to implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, as well as a performance that applies to the real work of the association, formulating its successes and overcoming its failures in full transparency, additionally, to the method employed in the implementation, was distinguished by the collaboration with volunteers from the communities that get the same services, as well as with the community’s institutions, and governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Through its programs and Listening Psychosocial and Legal Counseling centers for women, the association has been able to provide targeted guidance to solve the problems and challenges faced by women and girls and to develop a realistic vision of possible solutions within the goals and programs of the association, its specialized staff and capabilities, by its vision and mission.

With gratitude for all of your efforts in attaining the Baghdad Women Association’s vision and mission.

Liza Nissan Hido
President of Baghdad Women Association

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